The Rail Users’ Network (RUN) will focus on advocating for corridor-length passenger train routes that could be established under the Corridor ID Program sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). The online conference will take place on Friday afternoon, November 15, from 12:00 until 5:00. The event’s theme will be F.R.A. Corridor Grants – Boosting Economic Activity – the Rail Way! and it will highlight efforts to bring new trains to both interstate and intrastate routes.
The conference will begin with a presentation from the FRA about the Corridor ID Program, after which other speakers, including transportation officials and advocates, will present case studies of their efforts to bring passenger trains to their regions and communities. The conference will include a panel on Legislative
Strategies for Funding Passenger Rail Projects at the State Level. I will deliver the closing remarks.
RUN members can attend the conference at no additional cost. The charge for nonmembers is $25.00. This is the introductory rate for new RUN members, so nonmembers who register for the conference will automatically be enrolled as members through the end of 2025. The RUN Website,, has more details and a link you can use to register for the conference.
RUN advocates for all modes of passenger transportation on rails in the United States and Canada, including local trains, light rail, streetcars, and corridor-length and long-distance trains, including those on Amtrak and VIA Rail in Canada. The Lackawanna Coalition is an organizational member of RUN.
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