Commentary The vote is in (as of August 31), and it is overwhelmingly favorable to a strike: the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and… Continue Reading Strike! (but not yet)
The biggest train-related story since our last issue of the Railgram has to be the Norfolk Southern derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. We… Continue Reading Report from the Chair, March/April 2023
An interesting article about Montgomery County, Maryland, and its increasing bus service and employer subsidies to entice more peopl eout of their cars:… Continue Reading Maryland County Expands Transit Tax Credits
New Jersey Transit recently held a number of hearings around the State on its proposal to increase fares and cut services. The Lackawanna… Continue Reading Official Follow-Up Regarding NJ Transit Fare Increase
New Jersey Transit has called for fare increases and elimination of some service that affect our area of concern. They include eliminating the… Continue Reading Make Your Voice Heard at NJ Transit’s Hearings on Proposed Fare Increases and Service Cuts
“I threw the report in the garbage,” said NJ state transportation commissioner and NJ Transit board chairman Jim Simpson, referring to a report… Continue Reading Simpson Trashes NJT Staff Off-Peak Report
An extensive report on radio station WNYC (January 17) by Andrea Bernstein explores a number of events involving Port Authority budgets instigated by… Continue Reading Tunnel Cancellation, “Bridgegate” Form Pattern: Report
The MetroCard has become a popular way to use New York City’s transit services; in fact, for most riders, it’s the only practical… Continue Reading Riders Leave Money on MetroCards
Everybody knows that New York’s Penn Station (NYP) is crowded with commuters during peak-commuting hours, and we have a way to reduce demand… Continue Reading Report from the Chair, Mar./Apr. 2014
New Jersey Transit is offering a special ticket, good on NJT bus, rail, light rail and Access-Link paratransit. It is called the Super-Pass… Continue Reading NJT Offers a Ticket Good Everywhere, But Only for Super Bowl Week