Using the system in 2024 was more difficult than normal and there were several bad policy decisions made. Here are some highlights: New… Continue Reading 2024: Bad Times for NJT Riders
As this issue goes to press, we were notified of the governor’s signature on S2607/A3872, which requires private bus operators of “motorbus regular… Continue Reading Public Notice Required Before“Substantial Curtailment” of Non-NJT Buses
An interesting article about Montgomery County, Maryland, and its increasing bus service and employer subsidies to entice more peopl eout of their cars:… Continue Reading Maryland County Expands Transit Tax Credits
At the added August board meeting, a concept/design contract for this project, which began in April with an Innovation Challenge. The goal is… Continue Reading Secaucus to Meadowlands Transitway
Bus riders on NJ Transit get the short end of the stick, according to Alfred P. Doblin, editorial page editor of The Record… Continue Reading Bus Riders’ Plight Terrible: Opinion
For bus travellers on NJ Transit to or from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan, it has been difficult to determine just… Continue Reading NJT to Extend MyBus Now to Port Authority Runs
Continuing track maintenance on the Gladstone Branch this summer has required bus service replacing trains on weekdays between roughly 9:30 a.m. and 3:30… Continue Reading Weekday Midday Busing Resumes on Gladstone Branch