Resolution: Give Us Information!


At the Coalition’s last meeting, we passed a resolution expressing our long-term frustration with the opacity of NJ Transit on just about any subject. The specific concerns this time (among many) are the 50% cut to peak-period River Line service and the ongoing issue of translucent or opaque windows on many rail cars, especially multilevel cars. Chairperson Emeritus David Peter Alan says, “This is especially hard on persons who are sight impaired and also on those who are hearing impaired, because they have to see where the train is so that they don’t miss their stop.”

We have called for NJ Transit to create a Web page on their site for each of these issues, with frequent updates as to progress on a solution for the windows (Has Rutgers given you workable solutions? Have you placed an order for replacement windows?) and the restoration of full service on the River Line (Do you need parts for River Line cars? Have they been ordered? When will riders see a restoration of the full peak-hour schedule?) Once these pages are in place, we will be asking for more—the public needs to know about issues that affect their mobility. Without data, we can only speculate, and it is easy to assume the worst. In contrast, when progress toward solutions is reported, riders know what to expect. Recently, on Twitter/X a bus rider reported a driver telling passengers that tunnel traffic was completely stopped; “call and say you’ll be late for work.” Even while frustrated at the delay, the rider praised the driver for keeping them informed. We ask NJT to do the same.

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