RPA: “The Master Planning Process”

Date(s) – 09/28/2021
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


photo from RPA e-mail.

This is a Regional Planning Association event.  We are posting it here as a public service, because we believe that our members and allies will be interested in it.

The e-mail announcing this event said the following:

As NJ Transit begins to create a new master plan for Newark Penn Station, the agency and Regional Plan Association are hosting a virtual event exploring train station master plan efforts across the United States.
Station master plans are ambitious, once-in-a-generation opportunities to do comprehensive planning and design in and around critical transportation hubs. In addition to transportation improvements, station master plans can also encompass housing, civic space, and other land use opportunities with guidance and input from local residents and other stakeholders.
On Tuesday, September 28th, at 2pm EST, panelists will share their experiences with station master plan projects across the country and draw out best practices that can inform the plan for Newark Penn Station. Please send any questions in advance to info@rpa.org.

To register and for more information, see the RPA event page.

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