Date(s) – 02/27/2023
6:45 pm – 9:00 pm
Millburn Town Hall
UPDATE: As we are still awaiting the governor’s budget address, we will postpone the planned presentation. Guests from East Orange will be joining us to discuss the restoration of Ampere Station on the Montclair-Boonton line, and we will also plan our advocacy cohosting of the RUN conference coming to Newark in April.
At our meeting this month, Lackawanna Coalition Legislative Director Vito Havrilla will update us on the state budget and how it might affect our transit agency.
Millburn Conference Room is a great location for our in-person attendees. Maestro + Jitsi = the best of both worlds for our virtual participants. To join us on line, e-mail us at for the appropriate link, either to participate on Jitsi, or to register for Maestro if you have not attended before).
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