October started with a morning in Hoboken, enjoying the good weather and historic trains, in celebration of NJ Transit Rail’s 40th anniversary year. We arrived as NJ Transit staff was setting out information tables and tote bags, and enjoyed photographing the equipment, reading the URHS information boards, and boarding 2 of the historic cars.
The Coalition had a couple of member excursions planned; one rained out for the second time, the other lightly attended on a better- weather day. We are considering a shorter, afternoon event in Montclair on a Friday afternoon, and a marathon or overnight field trip to western Pennsylvania to visit Henry Posner III’s Railroad in the Spring.
Meanwhile, we prepare for our officer elections in December (when we meet 1 week early, on December 18th—as December 25th is a Monday this year). Our December meeting is generally festive, as a kickoff to the holiday season; we invite you to join us.
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