We congratulate NJ Transit on winning its most recent award, for 2023 Outstanding Public Transportation System, from APTA. As the third largest transit agency in the country, and the only one running statewide transit (though density varies), NJ Transit is in limited company, yet that company includes large, prominent agencies, so it is quite an accomplishment to have earned this reward. Bravo!
Here is our question, though: Why do we see news reports of yet another sexual-harassment suit being settled? It seems that annually, at least, we see another “amount discussed in executive session” being paid out to an employee or former employee, sometimes after a transfer to another NJT department, sometimes after the individual has left the company entirely. This is a problem for multiple reasons, most important being the human cost when employees are disrespected, but also a financial problem: NJ Transit needs those funds to stave off the disaster looming in Fiscal Year 2026, when the COVID-19 relief money runs out. Please, please, NJ Transit board and management, get your act together and change the corporate culture that spawns these repeated lawsuits.
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